Best Practices

  • In the last decade the college has taken hard effort to develop the green campus concept. As a result of our hard work today we have beautifully constructed garden area.
  • Separate common rooms are made available for boys and girls in the college. The girl’s common room is provided with facilities like first aid box and sanitary napkin vending machine.
  • Though the college is situated in the middle of the city still it is noise free campus and is alienated from the hustle and bustle of outside as the inside buildings are separated from the outside world by a high protective wall.
  • The college has made the campus friendly for physically challenged students by making railings and separate parking zone for their vehicles.
  • The college provides nutritious diet, free kits and personal physical training to the students of Sport Department.
  • All the faculty members observe No Vehicle Day for the preservation of environment. No mobile Day is also observed by the teachers.
  • There is Oxygen Zone made by the college at various places in the campus.
  • The Sport Department of the College had made tie up with district Basketball Association and District Handball Association and they train all the players from all the Schools and Colleges in the city. Moreover, we provide them sports material.
  • Every year a lecture series on the life of the Great Maratha King Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj is organized to Cultivate Moral Values.
  • Thousands of citizens take advantage of the lecture series on the life of the Great Maratha King Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj it is open to the entire city.
  • The Earn and Learn Scheme is implemented in the college so the poor students are not affected by education due to financial difficulties.
  • The College offers opportunity every student to study, even if he has low marks and has passed once.
  • Quality improvement/Remedial classes are conducted for students with low marks. Which benefits the poor and low graded students and they get good employment position.
  • Most of the students who get admission in the college are financially weak, some of their tuition fees are taken after getting various scholarships without stopping their admission due to lack of money.
  • Mentoring the students towards employ ability.
  • Inculcation of Gender Equity Culture.
  • Pre-recruitment training for police and soldiers through NCC department of the college.